Writer : -
Year : 2020
The International Journal of Intangible Heritage is a refereed academic and professional journal, published annually in English and Korean and dedicated to the promotion of the understanding of all aspects of intangible heritage worldwide, and to the communication of research as well as examples of good professional practice.
Work must be original, it must not have been published elsewhere, and if a paper is accepted for publication, the author must sign a declaration and agree to transfer copyright to the IJIH.
Articles must be submitted in English, and it is the responsibility of the author to provide good quality translations from languages other than English.
Once a submission is received it goes through a refereeing process:
Those authors whose papers have (or have not) been accepted will be notified as soon as possible after the February Board meeting.
If the paper is accepted you will be asked to sign a Declaration that the article has not been published in any form anywhere else, and that it is not in the process of being considered for any other publication.
The name(s) of the author or authors plus details of their main academic qualification(s), the name(s) of the organisation(s) to which they are affiliated and their nationality(ies).
This should be a brief synopsis of your article of approximately 150-250 words.
+/- 10 keywords or search terms. Do not include ‘intangible cultural heritage’, ‘intangible heritage’ or ‘ICH’ as keywords.
A brief biography of no more than 150-200 words, listing academic qualifications, posts held, current post and research interests should be supplied (see previous issues of the IJIH for examples).
For further details, please consult our website www.ijih.org.
Articles should be between 5,000 and 8,000 words long excluding notes, bibliography and captions to illustrations. Short reports and reviews should be between 2,000 and 5,000 words.
Documents should be produced in Word, using a single size font for text and headings, left hand
justification only and no embedded formatting of capitals, spacing etc..
Endnotes or Harvard system, not footnotes.
Supply if appropriate. There are no restrictions as to length but do not make it longer than strictly necessary. Please use the system laid out in the Chicago Manual of Style http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html. If in doubt, refer to the ‘References’ sections of articles recently published in previous volumes of the IJIH.
These need not be provided until the article is accepted for publication. The IJIH can usually accommodate no more than 8-10 images to accompany each article.
Photographs or other illustrations in either colour or black and white, should be submitted in digital form in high resolution JPG, EPS or TIFF formats.
They should be submitted as a separate file, not embedded in the text.
Captions should also be submitted as a separate file and should include the source of the image/photographer’s name and actual or approximate date.
It is the author’s responsibility to obtain any necessary permissions for the use of copyright materials and to acknowledge them as requested.
If required, the IJIH will issue a formal request for permission to publish images used in the Journal, for both print and online versions.