From. Vol 15. At the interface between living heritage and museum pra...
From. Vol 15. The academics of Intangible Cultural Heritage - knowled...
From. Vol 12. Copyright and Data Authenticity in the Digital Preserva...
From. Vol 2. Defining Intangible Cultural Heritage and its Stakehold...
As we continue to celebrate #ADA30, we would like to #AmplifyBlackDisabledVoices and encourage everyone to follow Black disabled leaders. #AccessibleAnthro
AmericanAnthroJul 17, 2020毎日新聞 土曜日の夕刊で連載している「旅・いろいろ地球人」を更新しました。当館准教授 奈良雅史の「中国ムスリムと食」の3回目になります。ぜひ読んでみてください。
MINPAKUofficialAug 20, 2020✔ラジオ放送のお知らせ 7月19日(日)13:00~15:56放送、bayfm78「BAYSIDE FREEWAY」の 人気コーナー「由美の駅」にて、当館が紹介されますのでぜひお聴きください。 番組サイトはこちら→
rekihakuJul 18, 2020RT @antonioguterres: On the 200th anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth, let’s celebrate her compassion, leadership & championing wom…
UNESCOMay 13, 2020Get a look behind the canvas of #shameandprejudice artist, Kent Monkman and find out how he creates his monumental and fantastical history paintings of Indigenous experiences—from initial inspiration to the final brushstroke. via @globeandmail
MOA_UBCAug 20, 2020