From. Vol 16. The conservation and management of intangible cultural ...
From. Vol 1. Inspiration Africa! Using Tangible and Intangible Herit...
From. Vol 1. The Intangible Heritage: a Challenge and an Opportunity...
From. Vol 6. Heritage and Creative Enterprise
Alrededor del 29 de abril en el observatorio astronómico de Xochicalco comienza un efecto de luz que queda plasmado con el paso cenital del sol a través de un ducto hexagonal. Conoce más sobre este increíble fenómeno natural en: #ContigoEnLaDistancia
mna_inahMay 31, 2020La Vasija de las Colinas tiene más de 1400 años de antigüedad. Por sus extraordinarios bajorrelieves acomodados en un espacio tan reducido es considerada una magistral obra del arte prehispánico. Conócela en la #PiezaDelMes 👉
mna_inahMay 28, 2020RT @UNESCO: "International cooperation is vital to share the most effective solutions & support students, teachers and families. @UNESCO is…
UNESCOMar 11, 2020Museums have the duty to acquire, preserve and promote their collections as a contribution to safeguarding the natural, cultural and scientific heritage. #ICOMCodeOfEthics 📘
IcomOfficielApr 27, 2020Happy #MangroveDay! Mangroves act as a natural coastal defense against storms, tsunamis, rising sea levels & erosion. Despite their value, they are disappearing 3 to 5 times faster than overall global forest losses! Let's take action to protect our 🌎!
UNESCOJul 26, 2020