We are actively seeking paper submissions from anyone engaged in the field of ICH (Intangible Cultural Heritage).


The 『International Journal of Intangible Heritage』 (herein after “IJIH”) is a professional academic journal annually published in English and Korean. It is dedicated to the promotion of understanding of intangible heritage from all over the world, and to the advanced communication of research activities and case sharing.

Contributions, Refereeing and the Publication Process

① Paper(article) submission is open 24/7. For papers that are submitted until the August 31st will be subjected to the publication process and discussed in the Editorial Board meeting in October every year.
② Work must be original and related to the intangible heritage. It must not have been published or submitted to be refereed in other journals or publications. In case a submitted manuscript has already been published/submitted elsewhere, or ethical issue is detected, the Editorial Board withdraws the publication and its author(s) shall be banned from submission for 3 years.
③ An author cannot submit more than one paper to the same volume of the journal.
④ The author shall agree to assign copyright to the IJIH.

Articles must be submitted in English - author(s) shall provide articles in academic level of English. Submitted articles go through a refereeing process as below:

STEP 01.Initial assessment of the relevance to the theme and correspondence to the IJIH instructions. Ineligible articles are immediately notified to the author(s).
STEP 02.Eligible articles are evaluated by three referees as an academic review by the criteria as follow:

(1) Academic relevance of the theme;
(2) Academic relevance of the research method;
(3) Professionalism and level of technical description;
(4) The research carried out and logic of the outcome;
(5) Academic contribution of the research outcome;

STEP 03.The article can be revised or re-assessed in accordance to the assessment result as follows:
Referee #1Referee #2Referee #3Result
1AAAAccept for publication
2AABAccept for publication
3ABBPublish after revision
4BBBPublish after revision
5AACPublish after revision
6ABC2nd review after revision
7BBC2nd review after revision
* A : Accept for publication / B : Publish after revision / C : Non-acceptance
STEP 04.The Secretariat copy-edits and proofreads the accepted articles for publication. The Secretariat shall request Copyright License Agreement to the author.
STEP 05.A proof copy of the final edited script will be provided to the author(s) for final review prior to the publication.

Author’s Notification and Declaration

Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting an article.

- Length

Articles should consist of 8,000 words or less excluding notes, bibliography and captions to illustrations.
Short reports and reviews should consist of 2,000 words or less. Unlimited length is allowed only when considered necessary.

- Format

Documents should be in MS-Word(docx) format, using a single size font for the text and heading.
Left hand justification only with no embedded formatting of capitals, spacing, etc.

- Notes

Endnotes or Harvard system, with no footnotes.

- Bibliography

Supply if appropriate. There are no restrictions as to length but do not make it longer than strictly necessary.
Please use the system laid out in the Chicago Manual of Style. (https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html)
If in doubt, refer to the ‘References’ sections of articles recently published in previous volumes of the IJIH.

- Photographs and Images

These need not be provided until the article is accepted for publication.
The IJIH can usually accommodate no more than eight images to accompany each article.
Photographs or other illustrations should be submitted in digital form in high resolution JPG, EPS or TIFF formats.
They should be submitted as a separate file, not embedded in the text.

- Copyright and Permissions

Captions should also be submitted as a separate file and should include the source of the image, photographer’s name and actual or approximate date taken.
It is the author’s responsibility to obtain any necessary permissions for the use of copyrighted materials and to acknowledge them as requested.
The IJIH may request permission to use the images (both printed and online versions) if necessary.

In addition, the author must supply the following information:

- Name

The name(s) of the author or co-author with details of their main academic qualification(s), the name(s) of the organisation(s) to which they are affiliated and their nationality(ies).

- Abstract

A brief synopsis of the article consists of approximately 250 words or less.

- Keywords

+/- 10 keywords or search terms. Do not include ‘intangible cultural heritage’, ‘intangible heritage’ or ‘ICH’ as keywords.

- Biography

A brief biography of no more than 150-200 words, listing academic qualifications, posts held, current post and research interests. (See previous issues of the IJIH as an example)