Privacy Policy

IJIH adheres to the Privacy Policy in accordance the current legislation, in particular with the Personal Information Protection Act(General Law) of the Republic of Korea.

I agree to the collection and use of necessary personal information for membership service (required)

Collection and Use of Personal Information
IJIH only collects personal data strictly necessary for the purposes of providing services described below. Please read carefully our Privacy Policy before agreeing to the terms and uses.

What do we collect?
IJIH collects data as below to provide services such as user registration and journal publication.
- Required : User ID, Full name, Nationality, Affiliation, Personal Postal Address, E-mail, Phone, Personal Biography

What do we do with the collected data?
IJIH uses the collected information for the following purposes:
- Identification of the user for registration and membership services
- Response to the users' request and needs
- Facilitation of membership management
- Confirmation on the user registration
- Notification of IJIH activities
- Paper submission and review

How do we collect the personal data?
Personal data are collected by the users' filling out of the registration form when signing up the IJIH membership.

The information collected on the IJIH website is kept for TWO YEARS FROM THE TIME OF THE LAST LOGIN.
- Activities such as logging-in shall be deemed as consent to the terms and uses of personal information.
- However, personal information Name, Affiliation, Country, Degree and Biography will be permanently stored with the publication of paper.
- In case the user withdraws membership or consent, his/her personal information will be destroyed IMMEDIATELY.

User's Rights to refuse and disadvantages
- IJIH membership services are available only with the consent the Privacy Policy as the required information are essential for membership management and IJIH services.
- A user can refuse to provide the optional information by the Personal Information Protection Act (Article 15). This will not affect his/her use of IJIH services.
[Required] Do you agree with the terms and uses of Required information?

I agree to the collection and use of additional personal information for personalized experience (optional)

Collection and Use of Personal Information
IJIH only collects personal data strictly necessary for the purposes of providing services described below. Please read carefully our Privacy Policy before agreeing to the terms and uses.

What do we collect?
IJIH collects data as below to provide services such as user registration and journal publication.
- Optional : Academic Activities, Final Degree, Publications

What do we do with the collected data?
IJIH uses the collected information for the following purposes:
- Identification of the user for registration and membership services
- Response to the users' request and needs
- Facilitation of membership management
- Confirmation on the user registration
- Notification of IJIH activities
- Paper submission and review

How do we collect the personal data?
Personal data are collected by the users' filling out of the registration form when signing up the IJIH membership.

The information collected on the IJIH website is kept for TWO YEARS FROM THE TIME OF THE LAST LOGIN.
- Activities such as logging-in shall be deemed as consent to the terms and uses of personal information.
- However, personal information Name, Affiliation, Country, Degree and Biography will be permanently stored with the publication of paper.
- In case the user withdraws membership or consent, his/her personal information will be destroyed IMMEDIATELY.

User's Rights to refuse and disadvantages
- IJIH membership services are available only with the consent the Privacy Policy as the required information are essential for membership management and IJIH services.
- A user can refuse to provide the optional information by the Personal Information Protection Act (Article 15). This will not affect his/her use of IJIH services.
[Optional] Do you agree with the terms and uses of Optional information?